



Patricia has been working and studying holistic health for over 15 years. She is a licensed massage therapist from Northern Prairie School in Illinois. Patricia also has completed her first year at the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education and is taking advanced classes. She is a Reiki master and is knowledgeable in flower remedies, essential oils, herbs, and homeopathic remedies. Patricia believes that to achieve health in all areas in oneʼs life, is a life long pursuit and a way of living.



April 10th  630pm


Rosalind will be showing you how to create portals on your land and any place on Mother Earth. Trained from Sweden she will explain the need for them.  Stones for the New Earth can also be purchased to raise vibration.
Also we will make a sacred elixir to drink and raise our own frequencies. This is a New Earth teaching. We will also connect to the New Energies.


March 19th 6:30PM Cost $15.00

Native American Herbalogy was in use for thousands of years and is still as effective today for the treatment of all manner of sickness.
From the old world to the New, man esteems himself happy when that which is his food is also his medicine.


March 15th 6:30PM Cost $15.00


March 10th Time 7PM Cost: Donation

Medicine Wheel Teachings are tools we can use to help us experience Life
in a more balanced and healthy way. This is an evening designed to
introduce you to the Medicine Wheel Teachings from The Sweet Medicine Way.
We will also discuss the Purification Lodge Ceremony.

Commonly called a sweatlodge, The Purification Lodge Ceremony is a healing
and a rebirthing. It is an opportunity to enter The Womb of GrandMother
Earth and be reborn with more conciousness and more awareness of your
self, your life and your place within life.

People all over the world have used the Purification Lodge in one form or
another. Knowledge, experience and spiritual teachings belong to The
People, all people, and the more we teach and share with each other the
more we heal ourselves and the Planet.

In one evening you will be introduced to the Medicine Wheel Teachings and
The Purification Lodge as it is run by Mary Standing Otter. We will
discuss the Ceremony, it's symbolism and some of the ancient teachings
that this ceremony is based on. There will be plenty of time for questions
and discussion


March 5th 6:30PM Cost $15.00

Come learn about The world of healing with Bach flower remedies.
A gentle but effective way of healing, free from any side effects, for both emotional and physical complaints


The classes will now be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30pm


The Pampered Goddess and Sara Neal are offering a "Design your own necklace" class.

Sunday, January 25th from 1:00 to 3:00. 

You will be able to design a necklace and learn basic planning and beading. The cost is $20.00 and that will include most necklace materials. We will be using high quality natural stones. More expensive stones, such as Turquoise or specialty pendants, will be available for a small fee. Pendant only necklaces will be $5.00 plus the cost of the pendant. Black silken cord will be used for pendant necklaces. Payment will be due at the end of class but please register beforehand at the store or by emailing Melissa at:


Starting January 27th we will be offering yoga classes 

Tuesdays and Thursday nights from 6:30 -8pm 

Cost per class is $7.50 

Class Description:   In this class we will be focusing on the mind, body and spirit connection in order to achieve better health and well-being.  The class will combine basic and gentle yoga postures with pilates core work and guided meditation.  We will focus on the alignment of the spine and strengthening of the abdominal cavity.  We will also be using guided meditation to train our bodies to relax and heal.  My goal is to facilitate the opening of communication between our minds, bodies and spirits.  We will learn techniques that will improve our health throughout our daily routines.  Come to class wearing comfortable clothes that you can move freely in.  Layered clothing will be helpful in regulating your body temperature.  Be prepared to workout barefoot, but bring socks for warmth during meditation.  The following tools are suggested to bring, but we can also work around it if you do not bring all of these items.  

Suggested "Tools"

Yoga Mat




Journal and Pen

Any crystals or stones that you like

Class size is limited so please register ahead of time either by calling 616.885.8749 or email us @ [email protected] before January 25th.


January 30th   6:30pm     $15.00

For details and to reserve a spot call 616.885.8749 or email us @ [email protected]